Welcome to Royal Bridge College (RBCo), your pathway to Canadian universities and a rewarding career.
RBCo is a private college designated by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. We offer a select range of post-secondary programs and collaborate with other post-secondary institutions in Canada. At RBCo, we are dedicated to providing students with high-quality educational opportunities and guiding them towards achieving their academic and professional goals.
Our Mission
Royal Bridge College strives to offer quality education programs that cater to the personal and professional needs of learners, help them to grow into valued global citizens.

RBCo’s Designations
A designated institution of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) – Designation Certificate
RBCo is a designated institution of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, British Columbia, Canada. PTIB is responsible for:
Ensuring institutions meet the requirements and standards for certification.
Maintaining a Private Training Institution Directory of all certified institutions, along with formerly certified institutions.
Providing student protection and overseeing the Student Tuition Protection Fund.
For more information, please visit the PTIB website.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​