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Dismissal Policy

Students are expected to completely follow the rules and regulations of the Royal Bridge College during study. Otherwise, an action can be initiated under the dismissal policy.

  1. Royal Bridge College may dismiss a student from a program on any of the following grounds:
    • Absence from the college without informing the college management/ instructor and provision of a doctor’s note.
    • Poor class attendance without any legitimate reason.
    • Any student falling short of 75% attendance will require withdrawal from the course and will be asked to repeat that course.
    • Failure to pay the tuition fees after three (03) warnings.
    • Cheating or plagiarism related to the academic program of the college.
    • Misuse of the college documents, records or identification, or intentionally providing any false information to the college.
    • Misrepresentation to someone or to an organization pretending to be an agent of the college.
    • The sale or knowing possession of dangerous drugs, restricted dangerous drugs, or narcotics in the college.
    • Engaging in any kind of offensive, indecent, or obscene behavior in the college.
    • Abusive behavior towards students or a member of the college staff.
    • Soliciting or assisting another to commit any act, which would subject a student to expulsion, suspension, or probation pursuant to this section.
    • Any physical damage to the college property.
    • Obstruction or disruption of, on or off-campus, property.
    • Any kind of non-accidental damage or theft to the college property.
  2. The process by which a student may be dismissed from a program is as follows:
    • Any concern related to a student’s misconduct may be brought by staff, students, or the public and shall be directed to the Senior Educational Administrator (SEA).
    • The SEA will arrange a meeting with the student to discuss the concern(s) within five days of the complaint.
    • Any necessary inquiry or investigation shall be completed within five business days of the initial meeting with the student.
    • The SEA will meet the student and do one of the following:
      1. Determine that the concern(s) were not substantiated; file is closed.
      2. Determine that the concern(s) were substantiated, in whole or in part, and either:
        • Give the student a warning clearing up the consequences of further misconduct; or
        • Set a probationary period with appropriate conditions; or
        • Recommend that the student should be dismissed from the college.
    • The SEA will prepare a written summary of the determination. A copy shall be given to the student, and the original will be placed in the student file.
    • In case the student is issued a warning or placed on probation, the SEA and the student both will sign the written warning or probationary conditions and a copy will be provided to the student. The original document will be placed in the student’s file.
    • The SEA or authorized officials of the college will deliver to the student a letter of dismissal and a calculation of refund due or tuition owing, depending on the status of the student’s financial account with the college.
    • If a refund is due to the student, the due amount will be paid within 30 days of the dismissal.
    • If the student owes tuition or other fees to the college, the SEA or authorized official of the college will undertake the collection of the amount owing.
    • Thus, the process is exhausted.